Are you a guitar hero? Then try the T-shirt you can play

If you find yourself mimicking Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page or Joe Bonamassa when their songs come on your iPod, then this is the invention for you.

That's because the latest guitar to hit the market doesn't come with six strings and require an amplifier.

It is in fact a case of slipping on a special T-shirt.

Guitar God? The new invention uses barcode and webcam technology to make sounds as you strum the T-shirt - and rewards playing in time with points

Guitar God? The new invention uses barcode and webcam technology to make sounds as you strum the T-shirt - and rewards playing in time with points

Designed by FauvelKhan, which is run by two engineering graduates from Swansea University, the latest invention to take on Fender and Gibson is a garment which turns into a playable musical instrument using just a computer and a piece of software.

It works by using barcode technology on the shirt, which is picked up by a webcam as the user's hand passes over the symbol - and then makes notes.

Points are then scored if the notes are strummed in time as the user plays.

The idea was first developed by company bosses Luke Khan and Warren Fauvel to be used as a promotional object by band The Last Republic.

Now though it is up for an award in the Music Related Technologies category at the SXSW Accelerator event in Austin, Texas, which takes place this week.

It is the only European entry on the eight strong shortlist.

Mr Khan, from Cardiff, said: 'It was a surprise to be the only European-based company shortlisted.

Rocking out: A competitor in the UK Air Guitar Championship sticks to the traditional method for belting out those classic riffs

Rocking out: A competitor in the UK Air Guitar Championship sticks to the traditional method for belting out those classic riffs

'To be selected for the final eight from 400 worldwide entries is testament to the creative and hard-working team we have.

'SXSW puts us on the world stage and it's exciting to think of what this means for the company going forward.'

The invention will be judged by a panel of experts as well as a live audience at the festival which showcases advances in social media, mobile applications and web entertainment.

Should the invention win it will become one of more than 20 awards that FauvelKhan has won since its foundation four years ago.

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